I think by traveling you can better appreciate yourself and the different cultures of the world... Enjoy life all around the world. To share with many people with different way of living. To love. To dance with the birds and sing with the wind....

Travelling brings color to my life. I'm travelling for the joy...
"...there is a difference between knowing the path and walking the path" - Morpheus

I am not good at writing but I want to share the adventure in my journey, but I have a lot of photo trips. Let the pictures are going to tell you about this trip ;)

Not only for the destinations, but it's about the journeys...
when you are traveling the time should be yours.

Some in my blog is using Indonesian, If you do not understand Indonesian you can use "Google Translate" at the top left of this blog. I hope this blog can be useful ...


Kamis, 21 Juni 2012

Mount Gede Adventure, Unforgettable Memories.

At Suryakencana Square, Mt. Gede.

Gunung Gede (Big Mountain in Sundanese) is a stratovolcano mountain located in West Java Island, Indonesia. Gunung Gede are within the scope of Pangrango Gede National Park, which is one of five national parks in Indonesia was first announced in 1980. The mountain is located in the three districts, namely Bogor, Cianjur and Sukabumi, with an altitude of 1000-3000 m. asl, and is at latitude 106 ° 51 '- 107 ° 02' E and 64 ° 1 '- 65 ° 1 LS. The average temperature at the peak of Mount Gede 18 ° C and in the evening peak temperatures ranging from 5 ° C, with an average rainfall 3600 mm / year. The main gate to the mountain is from Cibodas and Cipanas.

The Three Peak of Mount Gede, Mount Pangrango and Mount Salak fly on cloud.
Panorama from the Peak of Mt. Gede.

Gunung Gede famous rich variety of bird species as many as 251 types of 450 species found in Java. Some of them are kind of rare bird is an eagle Java (Spizaetus bartelsi) and plop Java (Otus angelinae). National Park Mount Gede-Pangrango defined by UNESCO as a Biosphere Reserve in 1977, and as Sister Park with State Parks. 

Camping ground Suryakencana Square, Mount Gede.
Makan Lesehan terpanjang di atas gunung Gede.

Gunung Gede are located not too far from the city of Jakarta and Bandung, about 2.5 hours away and can be reached either by public transport (bus) or private vehicle. Generally visitors enter from the door Cibodas, even though alternate Gunung Gede has several entrances such as Gunung Putri, and Selabintana (Sukabumi).

Peak of Mount Pangrango.
Time down the mountain
Time down the mountain, Mt. Gede.

Some Sites/Attractions to Visit:

*   Telaga Biru: Small-sized five-acre lake (1575 meters above sea level.) Is located 1.5 km from the  
     entrance Cibodas. This lake has always looked blue in the sun, because it is covered by blue algae. 

*   Cibeureum waterfall: Waterfall which has a height of about 50 meters is located approximately  
     2.8 km from Cibodas. Around the waterfall can be seen kind of a red algae that is endemic in 
     West Java.

*   Hot Water: Located about 5.3 km or 2 hours drive from Cibodas

*   Kandang Badak: For camping activities and observation of plants / animals. Situated at an altitude of  
     2220 m. above sea level with a distance of 7.8 km or 3.5 hours drive from Cibodas.

*   Peak and the Crater of Mount Gede: Panorama of the sunset/sunrise, a stretch of Cianjur- 
     Sukabumi-Bogor seen clearly, interesting geological attractions and observation of plants typical  
     around the crater. At the top there are three craters are still active in a complex that is the crater  
     Lanang, Queen and Wadon. Situated at an altitude of 2958 m. above sea level with a distance of 9.7 
     km or 5 hours drive from Cibodas.

*   Suryakencana square: Plains area of ​​50 hectares covered edelweiss flower beds. Situated at an 
     altitude of 2750 m. above sea level with a distance of 11.8 km or six hour drive from Cibodas.

Panorama Suryakencana Square, Mount Gede.

To reach the location Pangrango Gede National Park can be reached through the route Jakarta-Bogor-Cibodas with approximately 2.5 hours (± 100 km) by car, or the Bandung-Cipanas-Cibodas with a time of 2 hours (± 89 km), and Bogor-Salabintana with a time of 2 hours (52 km).

Mount Gede-Pangrango and National Park area is also interesting natural attractions and is visited by many tourists, both domestic and international. Adventures in mountain Gede is a long journey and become unforgettable memories of 2006.


Senam pagi bersama di Surya Kencana.
Suryakencana is Edelweis garden, Mt. Gede.

Map of Mount Gede, West Java - Indonesia.

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